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Wrapped Easter Eggs DIY

WonderFil Specialty Threads

Easter weekend is coming up and we have a quick and easy alternative way of decorating your eggs! Using only three basic household items and Eleganza perle cotton thread, this DIY is simple enough to do with kids and a good way to avoid the mess that comes with dyes.


  • Sue Spargo Eleganza #8 perle cotton
  • A large sewing needle
  • White glue
  • A raw, fresh white egg
* This project can be completed with a hardboiled egg if you only plan on keeping it for a few days. If you use a hardboiled egg you can skip the first step.


Pierce both ends of the egg with the large needle, inserting it far enough to break the yolk inside. Then blow on one end of the egg until the yolk is expelled from the opposite hole. We recommend doing this over a sink for easy clean up. The empty egg will be fairly delicate, so handle it with care.


Pour some white glue into a small bowl. Dip your thumb and index finger into the glue and run it over the end of the thread up a few inches, then stick the thread to the surface of the egg. Continue spreading the glue on the thread as you continue while wrapping it around the egg in a random crossed pattern.


The random colour variations of Eleganza adds a colourful contrast and texture. Try making a few eggs in different colours to create a beautiful Easter basket or egg hunt!