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Transfer & Stitch: WonderFil® Rinse Away Design Sheet

WonderFil Specialty Threads

We’ve tried every technique under the sun for transferring designs onto our projects! Tracing paper, “disappearing markers”, hand drawing on fabric . . . everything. None of these techniques ever work out quite the way they’re supposed to. That’s why we created the WonderFil® Rinse Away Design Sheet! An easier way to transfer your designs for any sewing project. It’s as easy as 1 . . . 2 . . . 3! Design it, stitch it, then rinse it away!

Crafted for versatility, the Rinse Away Design Sheet is perfect for a wide range of applications including needlework, hand embroidery, thread painting, appliqué, quilting complex designs, and more. Any time you need a simple way to transfer your designs! Start by tracing, drawing, or printing your design onto the Rinse Away Design Sheet. They are compatible with laser or ink jet printers if you enjoy creating designs digitally. You can also hand draw or trace your designs directly onto the sheet. Using the grided backing as a guide. Then peel away the backing and place your design onto your project. Repositioning the design sheet is extremely easy if it takes you a few times to get it just right. Our design sheets are made to be effortless to stitch through, with an adhesive that does not gum up your needle as you work. When you’re finished stitching, rinse away the design sheet with warm water. And you’re done! Transferring your designs has never been so easy.

Rinse Away Design Sheet Project Ideas

The WonderFil® Rinse Away Design sheets are extremely versatile. With a range of options for design creations. They can be a useful notion for all kinds of sewing projects, here are a few ideas!

1.Alternative to marking pencils

Marking pencils are so many people’s go to technique when it comes to transferring designs, but they can be hard to work with. They can be difficult to use on certain fabrics that stretch or slide around. And often leave residue or colour on fabric when they are supposed to disappear completely. You can use the Rinse Away Design Sheet to place designs onto your project, see them more easily, and ensure nothing shifts as you cut or stitch. The Rinse Away Design Sheet will dissolve completely, leaving no colour or residue behind.

2. Clothing

It can be hard to transfer designs onto pieces of clothing. Things like pockets, and collars can’t be hooped, and bumpy or oddly shaped pieces are extremely hard to work with. With the Rinse Away Design Sheet you can easily transfer design onto any piece of clothing. And you can embroider on any part of your clothing … collars, cuffs, hoods … without having to use a hoop!

3. Hand Embroidery

Our Rinse Away Design Sheet makes it easier than ever to transfer your designs and start stitching your hand embroidery projects. The design sheet makes transferring your design quicker while also stabilizing hard to manage fabrics. Additionally, utilizing the design sheet makes it so you can clearly see your transferred design on dark or patterned fabrics.

4. Punch Needle

The Rinse away design sheet provides an easy way to apply designs for a punch needle project and helps to stiffen the fabric, so it does not shift as you work. The design sheet is made to be effortless to stitch through, and our specialty adhesive will not gum up the needle of your punch needle.

5. Quilting

Trying out a new, complex quilting design but feeling nervous about keeping it consistent? Apply the design straight to your quilt with the Rinse Away Design Sheet and trace the design as you quilt to practice. This is a great way to practice free motion quilting designs, with no left-over colour or residue left behind on your quilt.

6. Thread Painting

Create more precise and intricate thread painting projects by applying your design to the Rinse Away design Sheet. Outline and fill out your design like a fabric colouring book!

7. Faux Cross Stitch

The Rinse Away Design Sheet allows you to stitch out cross stitch designs without needing to use specialty fabrics like monks’ cloth or aida cloth. Just print out a grid onto the design sheet or print out the full design to avoid reading complicated pattern instructions. Add cross stitch designs to quilts, clothes, wall hangings and more without worrying about blending aida cloth into your design.

8. Appliqué

Use the Rinse Away Design Sheet to make cutting out appliqué shapes easier than ever. Print your appliqué shapes onto the design sheet and cut around the design. With this technique you don’t have to worry about your template shifting, and the design sheet stiffens your fabric to make cutting precisely a bit easier. Especially when working with complex shapes, sharp points, or curves.

If you found inspiration in this blog to start using the Rinse Away Design Sheet, click the link below to order one now, or get more details on this new product!